The new season Marjan Perjoski collection for a/w 09 hits Greek Street Kokon To Zai next week. Furs, leather, lace and the most amazing crystal embellishment - winter is looking dark, and I like it!
KOKON TO ZAI blog is up and running- updated daily, still in early phase- so check back and we'll have global news, ways to get involved, info on the new online store (which will launch in the next few weeks) brand-news, events, features... pretty much everything you can shake a stick at! If you have anything you'd like us to investigate- get in touch. ;)
Watched this movie last night- Kind of a cross between tank girl, Beatle Juice, a John Waters feature and a Lachapelle shoot. very cute but twisted. The main character is a Japanese pop star, so can't help but feel a bit Britney/cross roads about it- but It's much much better. If you see it around- watch it!
RCA MA graduate Louise Loubatieres take over of Kokon To Zai visuals from today... -cashmere knit print jumpsuits... errr comfort. get in that! pics of visuals to follow.
I have a current obsession with heavily patterned tailored trousers, some so violent on the eye they should come with an epilepsy warning. I've even caught myself getting excited over 90's Versace on ebay, I've been told to calm down by certain folk, but i think if a jobs worth doing.... I can't help thinking 'Graham Norton is my current fashion icon?' so wrong, but yet so right. Get ready to get wonky eyed as you stare into someone crotch.
Rohan Kale, MA graduate from LCF this year has some beauties...
other faves are Mcqueen, last season. mens. womens. all. Makes me want to rip down my grans curtains, reprint them and get them on my legs. in a good way.